Competition & Scheduling

The league strives to group teams/match-ups by how competitive they might be during the season.  Following approximately the fourth game, the schedule and match-ups are adjusted in an attempt to match teams against like competition.  This will likely result in some changes to the original schedule.  Thank you for your understanding of this slight inconvenience in an effort to prevent mismatched teams from playing each other and provide a more enjoyable experience.  


 MARS games are played Saturdays (kick-off no earlier than 8:30 am) and Sundays (kick-off no earlier than 1:00 PM).  The last game each day will kick-off in time to complete prior to dark.  Occasionally, we schedule some weeknight games, which do not kick-off prior to 6:00 PM.    

Prior to the first game, everyone is anxious to receive the game schedule.  Please understand that the scheduler is waiting for FINAL confirmation from ALL Clubs of their final team counts.  These numbers sometimes change even potentially AFTER the first game.  Thank you for your patience and understanding of this tedious process. 

Once the game schedule has been posted, we ask that everyone adhere to it.  If a coach determines that his/her team will not be able to play at their assigned time/location, it will be the coach’s responsibility to notify the opposing Coach and the Club Commissioners for both teams.  Coaches should then work with each other and through their respective Club Commissioners to try to arrange a re-schedule.     

If a coach determines their team will not be able to play an upcoming game, that message must be communicated and confirmed no later than four days prior to the scheduled game.  Please note that we strive to maintain a minimum of two consecutive games at any given field.  Simply vacating your assigned time slot/field is not an option.    

Weather concerns: In general, games will be played in rain as long as field conditions are favorable.  If lightening is seen in the area or thunder heard, play should stop immediately.  From the time of that strike or heard thunder, a minimum of thirty minutes must pass before play should resume. Each strike or thunder restarts the 30  minute countdown.   

Field closings/Game cancellations due to weather or other concerns: The head coach (and other team contacts listed on the MARS website) will be notified by email and/or text.  It will be the coach’s responsibility to notify their players.  This information is also available by referencing the website game schedule.    

Game Re-schedules: The Scheduler will work with the coaches and their respective Club Commissioners to re-schedule the game.  Thank you for your patience as there are numerous variables to be considered when re-scheduling.  Coaches are also welcome to contact each other to determine an agreeable time and location to play their game.  The host club commissioner is responsible for confirming field availability.  Do not assume that the current MARS schedule reflects all games that may be scheduled on a given field.  If the coaches are able to agree on a make-up time/location, they should email their suggestions to     

 Posting Game Results: Game results should be entered ASAP (within 24 hours) following the conclusion of your game. Either coach may enter the score and is strongly encouraged to do so.